A recording of the training on using the Referral Tool can be found at https://zoom.us/rec/share/
How the Referral Tool Works and Who is Involved
The Referral Tool gathers a standard set of
information across all Doors and also contains brief, supplemental, Door-specific
items to help the Door receiving the referral understand why the referral is
being made and provide guidance about next steps.
The tool is available to staff at any of the
NWD Network agencies. Each Door then has identified staff monitoring these referrals,
known as the Door Referral Contact (DRC). The DRC has an agency-specific login
that they can use to open and monitor existing referrals.
The referral tool is divided into three primary phases:
· Phase 1: Generating a Referral- All staff in the NWD Network are able to generate a referral using the Referral Tool found at: www.hinwd.org. Staff should provide as much information as available and submit the referral to all appropriate agencies on behalf of the participant.
Phase 2:
Reviewing and Acting on Referral- Once the referral is submitted, the
system will generate a referral notification to all identified Doors and
provide an email notification of the referral to the primary Door contact at
the agency receiving the referral. The DRC will review the referral and triage
the referral to the appropriate staff.
Phase 3:
Closing the Feedback Loop- After the referral has been acted on the DRC will indicate that the referral has
been picked up. At this point the system will generate an email to the staff
who provided the original referral informing him/her of the action.