VI. Bi-Monthly Information Sharing Calls

A major part of the NWD effort is ongoing education of staff at the Doors to ensure that they understand each other’s processes so there truly is No Wrong Door to enter in the system. To facilitate this ongoing communication across the Doors, EOA hosts a bi-monthly information sharing meeting from 9:00-10:30am on the second Tuesday of every other month. 

The standing agenda for this meeting is:
Presentation from one Door about services, supports, and access processes
30 minutes
Questions and answers for the presenting Door
10 minutes
Updates to Staff Training Guide, including services and supports, eligibility criteria, and shared materials
10 minutes
Cross-Door opportunity for questions, concerns, feedback, or other information
10 minutes
Refresher training on the Referral Tool (when requested)
30 minutes

This meeting allows the group to learn more about each Door and also provide real time updates about changes to services and processes.

To view presentations and other meeting materials from previous meetings, visit

If staff would like to receive an invitation for this meeting, email