The Door Crosswalk provides a comprehensive overview of each
of the Doors and the services and supports they offer. Staff should use the
Crosswalk to compare target groups, service offerings, and other components
when they are deciding which Door would be most appropriate to make a referral
In addition to the information provided in the Overview
section, the Crosswalk provides contact and eligibility information, the
process for accessing services, Referral Targeting Criteria and program
descriptions, and a breakdown of each service category provided by the Door.
Using the Door Crosswalk
Each column in the Crosswalk represents a Door. While a
worker is free to use the Crosswalk in any way she or he prefers, it may be helpful
to first consider which population and/or age group(s) the participant falls
into, then review the specific needs and programs that may be most appropriate,
and finally, as appropriate, review the specific services offered by each
agency and compare this against the participants identified needs.
Information within each column is separated into two primary
- The first section of the Crosswalk (rows 1-10) provides an overview of each Door. This is where staff will find information for the first consideration (target population and age limitations) and second consideration (available programs and functional/financial criteria). In addition to this information, other materials provided within these rows includes:
- The process for accessing supports and services at the Door
- Areas served by the Door
- Contact information
- The second section identifies services and supports offered by the Door. This section will be most useful to review when participants are requesting specific services and supports and staff need to compare the availability of these services across Doors. Services and supports are broken into the following categories:
- Supports to help live in the community
- Information and advocacy
- Medically related services
- Residential settings
- Other supports
The Door
Crosswalk can be found in Microsoft Excel format at the following link: